Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalms 55:22

PRE-AMBLE by Robert 

Here is additional weaponry for the “Advanced Guard” as well as those who have an ear to hear. Knowing through our audit the depth of our faith and walk, we will understand how Yeshua will sustain us. Remember we have a hedge of protection around us home family and possessions. There was a commitment which goes along with this gift, an upright and righteous walk with Yeshua.

This article will reveal the subtle temptations which may draw us back into the world and might have us harbouring enmity before Yeshua. Several spiritual weapons are being shown by using our discernment and understanding. 

Worldly-mindedness is enmity to God. An enemy may be reconciled, but “enmity” never can be reconciled. A man may have a significant portion in possessions of this life, yet be kept in the love of God. But he who sets his heart on the world, who will conform to it rather than lose its friendship, is an enemy to God.


528ca301f46f24d6117f73b142ef369c1461013560566871940.jpgPrecious Father as our spiritual eyes are opened to the actual condition of the world, we are passing through and encounter those who cross our path as we Spiritually journey. I Would ask Lord for your guidance, strength discernment and understanding to be a part of the leadership role being placed in the lives of those doing your bidding and work. Make those with your knowledge, spiritual warriors for the spreading of your Father’s compassion grace and forgiveness to all in this darkened world. This I pray in Yeshua’s name Amen and Amen.


In an earlier article “Dine With Me,” Yeshua set the table for us and invited us to partake daily with Him. The link below is the invitation to sit with Yeshua today:   


The next paragraph is the menu of what Yeshua has prepared as His table, for those who are weary, hungry, and thirsty after a day of spreading His love and compassion, being His Advanced Guard, as their daily spiritual feast.

Matthew Henry (1662 – 1774) in commentary introduces the courses, “We are directed to regard the following:  I. Some causes of contention, and to watch against them, (James 4:1-5). II. To abandon the friendship of this world, submit and subject ourselves entirely to God, (James 4:4-10). III. All put-downs and rash judgments of others are carefully avoided (James 4:11,12). IV. Preserve constant regard and pay the utmost respect to the disposals of divine Providence (James 4:13-17).” 

The menu Yeshua offered was filled with knowledge as we were earlier shown the weakness and defeat of Believers is his ignorance about his enemy.  The example being the 500 who were slaughtered in minutes. This fare is informational sustenance, providing all who sat at the table substantial weaponry through the knowledge about and of the enemy as well as themselves thus deepening their Faith.

We, now have Matthew Henry (1662 – 1774) detailing what we have just partaken as sustenance in order to recognize who we will deal with and their fervency: The root of wickedness lies in the soul; the desire that men have to do evil, that is the lust which conceives and brings forth sin. The strong aversion he has to do good: His neighbour, his friend, his nearest relation, finds no favour in his eyes, cannot gain from him the least kindness, though he is in the greatest need of it. And, when he is in the pursuit of the evil his heart is so set upon it, he will spare no man which stands in his way. 

As to one another, the rule is we should all be subject one to another, so far as to receive the reproofs and counsels one of another, and be ready to bear one another’s burdens, and perform all the offices of friendship and charity one to another; and particular persons should submit to the directions of the whole society, Ephesians 5:21; James 5:16. What comes from this information should be related to the next offering we will receive, remember we are sheep among wolves. The enemy will be in amongst our ranks disguised as one of us, be aware of your surroundings. Do not be complacent; it leads to ignorance and swift defeat. Our times are perilous. 

Matthew Henry (1662 – 1774) continues providing details: You will have need to stand on guard against those who are of the same nature with you”–such is the depravity and degeneracy of that nature (homo homini lupus,–man is a wolf to man), crafty and politic as men, but cruel and barbarous as beasts, and wholly divested of the thing called humanity. Note, Persecuting rage and enmity turn men into brutes, into devils. Paul at Ephesus fought with beasts in the shape of men, 1 Corinthians 15:32. It is a sad pass that the world is come to, when the best friends it has, have a need to beware men.” (Matthew 10:17)

No patients are so hardly managed as those in a frenzy who say they are well, and nothing ails them. The sin of those who are self-conceited and self-confident remains. For they reject the gospel of grace, and therefore, the guilt of their sin remains unpardoned. And they forfeit the Spirit of grace, and therefore the power of their sin remains unbroken. Seest thou a wise man in his own conceit? Hearest thou the Pharisees say We see? There is more hope of a fool, of a publican and a harlot than of such. 


Heavenly Father I present before your throne these petitions to be heard on behalf1bb1404953884bc62cdfb31afc62977c1952797555928685866.jpg of those who are committing their walk to your footprints. I ask Father to fill them with discernment, understanding, commitment to you faithfully, the spirit of endurance, the sense of foresight. Bring them strength, courage which removes the feeling of fear, that they might face the enemy with confidence. Most of all Father remove from them the spirits of arrogance, pride, and self-centeredness, self-regard, self-interest, and those spirits Father which represent the temptations of the flesh, that would draw them from your word and the narrow path to eternal life. Which I pray in your name Yeshua Amen and Amen. 


Today we placed our foot in Yeshua’s second footprint and what we were shown brought complete humility. The Holy Spirit revealed why Yahweh was calling us out of the worldly churches and their delusional walk. What became apparent the Worldly churches have some knowledge of Scripture and some knowledge of Yeshua’s walk. But really have no real understanding of the love and compassion Yahweh has for His children.  What is being passed to parishioners has no real depth to it no reasoning, no solid content. Which brought me to fully understand why I love Yeshua as deeply as I have and am.

My thinking brought me to know what Spiros Zodhiates, Th.D. related “how by looking at nature, one can observe God is indeed all-powerful, but creation does not necessarily reveal that He is an all-loving God of righteousness and justice. There is only so much of God one can know from God’s creation. However, to know the essence of God as a triune Deity one needs to receive His revelation by faith”.  

Reality set in ” I hadn’t clearly understood, what my walk was about, nor did I fully understand what work Yahweh was performing in me through His Son, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit.” Until I accepted Yeshua’s invitation to Dine With Him and actually took the time to do so. Then I realized how and why I was being SUSTAINED.

Remember, these messages are given by a humble servant obedient unto our 2868735889749cc41daf2da58f0003123195518346162872989.jpgLord 0103db0c899cd0b8b69538e2367c4fddYeshua as a “Watchman.” This I pray for all. ”Our Heavenly Father brings us to the river which bringeth forth fruit so we may partake of its sustenance and be filled spiritually with nurturing wisdom, and humble dedication in service to Yeshua.“ “Blessings to All.”  As you go forward in peace, knowledge, and strength. In the name of Yeshua, we pray Amen and Amen.


About Yeshua's Watchman

Yeshua, as a Watchman. This I pray for all. ” Our Heavenly Father brings us to the river which bringeth forth fruit so we may partake of its sustenance and be filled spiritually with nurturing wisdom and humble dedication in service to Yeshua. “Blessings to All.” As you go forward in peace, knowledge, and strength
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